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Our goal is to be a competitive industry in quality, production and service, establishing an excellent QUALITY CONTROL system.
“AMAC has always been committed to timely service and expertly provide the highest quality printing. Our experienced staff and state-of-the-art technology, provide the services necessary to meet the highest requirements”
Our infrastructure is conform by pre-press digital equipment and design software, computer to film or plate output, full color printing, web-press, offset press, die cut, daddle-stitching, perfect bound, folding cartons, shrink wrapping, lamination, UV, personalized handing and kiting.
- 28″x 40″ Format, 10 colors
- 28″x 40″ Format, 2 colors
- 28″x 40″ Format, 1/1
- WEB-PRESS FORMAT, 22 3/4″ x 38″
- WEB-PRESS FORMAT, 18 1/2″x 22 9/16″
- Up to 128 pages
- 26″x 40″ sheets – 240,000 daily
Saddle stitching:
- Up to 128 pages
In-house transportation that allow us to deliver always on time.