Growing a business requires you to prepare everything very carefully. One of the most important processes in your business is recruiting some employees or workers for supporting your business. It is very important for you to choose the right person for your company. When we are talking about business recruitment, we cannot avoid the outsourcing process.
This process can help you find reliable workers from many different places from around the world. They can work on any of your business tasks from their home or office. In this article, we are going to talk about the two most common types of outsourcing, for example, offshoring and nearshoring.
It is one of the most common types of outsourcing. This method is well-known as the most affordable approach for outsourcing. You can offshore any processes in your company to many outsourcing vendors in distant countries. There are some countries that can be the best solution for you who want to do this offshoring process, for example, China, India, Philippines, Malaysia, etc. These countries offer a lot of potential talents with very affordable expenses. You can save a lot of your money when outsourcing to these countries.
Flexibility is another advantage that you can get from offshoring. This process allows you to work together with all of your employees or outsourcing workers from your office. You don’t need to leave your place for having some meeting sessions with your teammates. It is very comfortable for you, especially if you have a lot of busy activities every day. Some people consider using certain advanced apps for helping them during the discussion process, for example, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc. You can get a lot of flexibility when using this offshoring process for your company.
The choices for you will be almost unlimited, especially when you choose this offshoring method. You can meet a lot of potential experts from many different countries in the world. Your business is not limited to the number of professional experts in your country and nearby countries. It allows you to have an unlimited opportunity to grow your business today.
This is another common type of outsourcing that is popular among many people today. This method allows you to outsource from some nearby countries. For example, if you live in the United States, you can work with some workers from nearby countries, such as Canada, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, etc. Your chosen countries can be located on the same or nearby continents that are close to your country. Some business owners want to choose this outsourcing method compared to the other methods. There are some interesting advantages that are offered by this type of outsourcing.
The first two main advantages is time and cost, for example, shipping time from México City to New York is 3 days, compared to shipping from Hong Kong or Asia that can take up to one month, more than this two obvious advantages we can find some other ones in Nearshoring.
Nearshoring is suitable for you who prefer to have a traditional meeting, instead of an online meeting session. When you work with some freelancers from nearby countries, you will have flexibility when you are planning to do some meeting sessions with them. It is very easy for you to hold face-to-face meetings frequently by visiting any of these nearby countries. The travel cost will be much lower compared to the travel cost for the offshoring process. You can also invite some of your team members to your headquarter, so you can manage all members of your team easily.
Good cultural compatibility is another benefit that you will enjoy from nearshoring. Nearby countries usually have similar cultures among their people. You don’t need to adapt to new cultures when you use this nearshoring method. This situation can reduce the risks of misunderstanding during your project. You can improve the overall work coordination between you and your team members. As a result, you can increase the business productivity in your company because you don’t need to spend a lot of your time figuring out how you can coordinate with your team members easily.
Nearshoring can also allow you to avoid too much time-zone differences between your country and your teammates’ countries. Therefore, it is easy for you to manage your schedule, especially when you want to have some meeting sessions with all of your team members. This situation can help you improve the overall efficiency of your business. You can increase your productivity in your business when you choose this nearshoring process.